Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tien Biet vietnam

Well another trip to Vietnam over. Samples checked, new finds from distant places. Interesting new joint ventures I hope and plenty of people to catch up with when I get back.
I packed last night and managed to make 40kilos like 20kilos. Packed Mark and removed the things he snuck into my luggage. 
Down for brekky in the delightful courtyard of the Continental Hotel.
One last shower to last me until i get back home tomorrow then out to the airport to see Mark off to Laos and then time for me to while away the hours until my flight.
This was my fave drink this time "fresh guava juice". Could do with one now sitting waiting to board after sitting waiting to check in. 
Until the next trip.


  1. Cant wait to see you mama!
    I have given you an award on my blog.
