Friday, June 3, 2011


I don't understand the word boredom. This week in the shop it was gloomy and wet outside so I set myself some sewing tasks as well as a trip to Melbourne searching for silks, obis and kimonos.
I started the week making obi belts from vintage silks, obis & braids  see previous blog.
Then I converted all the hill tribe skirts into wearable skirts

Then I decided to make some hot hotties. On these cold wintery days a hot water bottle can be so comfy and even more so enclosed in something perty.

To make these gorgeous covers I first have to turn my work shop into a total mess

by rummaging through my braids
and fabrics
I have used most of the obis and old kimonos bought in Japan last year so the search has been on.
Anyway I found some obis and kimonos a long way from home but worth the journey.
Scrounging for kimonos
And I finished off the week in the shop unpicking some of the obis I bought ready to reconstruct into bags and belts