Saturday, August 20, 2011


Well it is that time again. "TRADESHOW" time. Lots of prep before hitting the road to Melbourne.
Endless lists have been made, things ticked off, price lists prepared and double checks and then triple check of all stock and props ready to be loaded.
One year the freight company responsible for freighting all my props and stock to Melbourne lost the lot so, we went out and bought a station wagon and have driven down every year since. All those years doing markets taught me how to pack a car.

 So car is packed and we hit the road

I really enjoy this part of the trip. Out on the road watching the country side zip past. Sometimes it is lush and green other times dry and parched. Passing farms and through small towns until we hit the Hume then all small towns are bypassed.
 We always break up the trip and traditionally stay in Albury the first night. So after a Japanese dinner of okonominyaki we went to the movies and saw  Captain America in 3D

In the morning before we head off we visit an art deco exhibition.

Then back on the road to Melbourne.
First stop get keys for apartment.
Unload our baggage and on to the showground to start building the stand.
We start with a shell of black walls and floor. This is me putting up wall covering.
Then we get the floor down and then put up the shelving.
Now we did have some lovely pictures of the finished stand on Mark's new camera but somewhere along the way he pushed a button and eliminated them all. So here are a few pics of products and you can see a bit of the stand in the background.

Lots of silk and cotton booties
Our new silk kimonos made for both women & men with matching boxer shorts or lounge pants.
And our new cotton kimono with matching shorts or pants trimmed with vintage Japanese silks.
Now 5 days of hello blah blah blah look at my product blah blah blah would you like a pricelist and more blah blah blah!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hi sorry for lack of blogs but been pretty flat out and now it is prep time for my next trade show in Melbourne. 
Totally stressed last week as I make new samples like a mad person, check and double check and check again that I have everything. This means endless lists that get re written again & again & again.
Anyway as a distraction I am in the shop learning about my new phone so I just took a little video of some of the delightful kokeshi for sale in my shop

Friday, June 3, 2011


I don't understand the word boredom. This week in the shop it was gloomy and wet outside so I set myself some sewing tasks as well as a trip to Melbourne searching for silks, obis and kimonos.
I started the week making obi belts from vintage silks, obis & braids  see previous blog.
Then I converted all the hill tribe skirts into wearable skirts

Then I decided to make some hot hotties. On these cold wintery days a hot water bottle can be so comfy and even more so enclosed in something perty.

To make these gorgeous covers I first have to turn my work shop into a total mess

by rummaging through my braids
and fabrics
I have used most of the obis and old kimonos bought in Japan last year so the search has been on.
Anyway I found some obis and kimonos a long way from home but worth the journey.
Scrounging for kimonos
And I finished off the week in the shop unpicking some of the obis I bought ready to reconstruct into bags and belts

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Back in the shop after 4 weeks tripping across Vietnam buying and designing.
It's a chilly day outside so people are staying in by the fire and not in a shopping mood. Not good for shop keepers but I spend my quiet days sewing for my shop.

Today I made six OBI BELTS. I use black linen as my base as it shows off the vintage obi silks and kimono silks I use. Then I trim with vintage braids I have collected over the years.

 This one features a 1930's silk and 1960's braid

So a day well spent.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tien Biet vietnam

Well another trip to Vietnam over. Samples checked, new finds from distant places. Interesting new joint ventures I hope and plenty of people to catch up with when I get back.
I packed last night and managed to make 40kilos like 20kilos. Packed Mark and removed the things he snuck into my luggage. 
Down for brekky in the delightful courtyard of the Continental Hotel.
One last shower to last me until i get back home tomorrow then out to the airport to see Mark off to Laos and then time for me to while away the hours until my flight.
This was my fave drink this time "fresh guava juice". Could do with one now sitting waiting to board after sitting waiting to check in. 
Until the next trip.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last days in Hoi An

Last days in Hoi An. Finalizing samples, shipping dates etc. Lunches & dinners with Thao & Huong, a visit to Miss hue & Gunner from V Cafe. Most important lunch at our favourite restaurant, Morning Glory.

I love in Vietnam when you buy sparkling mineral water it comes in bottles that I am sure are at least 30yrs old but are just constantly recycled.
Thao & Huong in front of their new house in Hoi An. They should be moving in very soon.
 No plane delays this time and we arrive in Ho chi Minh and arrive at the Hotel Continental.
 I feel like I am in the Carrington in Saigon.
Our room. Upgraded to a suite Yes!!! So over the top. I am sitting at the big old desk doing my blog and out of the window is the Opera house. Today is a public holiday, "Labour Day" so breakfast went until 10am.
This is the courtyard setting for brekky. I think there is a wedding here today and I found the cake decorator busy at work.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hoi An Lamp trade

 I think everyone's favourite thing in Hoi An is the silk lanterns. Strung around the town some so faded and dusty others shining bright in many colours.
We stop for our traditional bucket of mojito by the river.

Then on to meet the company we met at the HCM trade fair to order lamps.
Again Mark's mathamatic brain ticks over calculating and impresses Miss Trinh. Next we need to work out shipping and this is where it all gets complicated. Although they are not heavy we need about 20 boxes to pack them in.

 So after lantern negotiations I notice an ear cleaner across the road. I have had a blocked left ear for days now from swimming and I have always been fascinated by the  traditional ear cleaners you see working on the side of the road and in markets throughout Asia. but have never had the courage to try it. Today is the day.
So he starts with a fluffy duster twirling in my ear. Then he starts with the long stick things and a miners light on his head. He scrapes and digs but it is very gentle. He shows me a wad of wax from one ear but didn't get to see in major discoveries.
I think he is finished then he proceeds to shave my forehead and all over my face. Next he pushes my head back on the cahair and with some drops in my eyes he starts to clean the inner rims of mt eyes. This I didn't like. then he rubs my face all over wit a moist towellette.

While this is all happening Mark gets the full treatment plus a haircut.

These are the ear instuments kept in a Heinikin  beer can.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

HOI AN ancient town

......and then there was Hoi An. The traffic is far less here and cars are not allowed in the old quarter which is bliss. We do not understand why the old quarter in Ha Noi and other historical precincts don't have similar restrictions as much for the locals peace of mind as for the added dimension it would allow for travelers. Tourists and locals can amble the streets and shop to their hearts content. I must admit I have never seen so many tourists in Hoi An in the 11 years I have been coming here. Many are in big tour groups as are traveling as couples or alone. Europeans predominate either as neo-geriatric or as students with complicated gap year or with learning options that include traveling in groups of 30-40 and looking marvelous in the swimming pool. Someone should tell them that you don't get much mileage out of Scandanivian skin in the tropics.

The river at sunset and by nightfall the river side is lit up with coloured lanterns in all the cafes and shops. It really is lovely to stroll around the town.

 Today was spent bargaining for things for our shop and designing some silver pieces as well.
The new designs and samples are looking good. We had dinner with Thao and Huong last night and I ate my first JELLY FISH SALAD. What can I say it was interesting and I have been aching for revenge ever since being stung in the mouth and face by that bluebottle stinger more than 30 years ago.
Found this growing in the shower, that's the tropics for you and when I can figure out a use for it I might start importing them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can't give up the stars

After a decade of budget style accommodation and secret hotel room envy when we visit other acquaintances, we have finally joined the pool lounging jet set and we feel more attractive and younger every time we get a bill.
We randomly booked our hotel in Hoi An and have found ourselves yet again in a gorgeous room. Mark gently freaks out but soon relaxes in our new environment.

Back in Hoi An one of our favourite places in Vietnam. Here to see my new samples and start production. Some buying for the shop and eating.

First a swim after breaky

Then a walk around the ancient town. We have watched Hoi An change over the past 11 years from a sleepy old town with character and heritage. Strolling home through the old town this evening it is now a bustling busy shopaholics paradise.