Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Well well well been in Japan for about 10 days now. If I could bluetooth an image of our first meal I would but it wouldn`t be pretty. It was poo with rice. This was at tokyo airport as we thought we had better eat as we wouldn`t arrive in Osaka until quite late.
Miracles happen we found our hotel after managing the rail with no drama.
Off to bed for a good rest ready to face the day tomorrow.
OSAKA Day1\2
spent the day just walking around, getting orientated.
Got hungry and had to master the machine restaraunt. Put in your money then choose something that looks appertising from a wee picture.
Hey we did it and it was good so hungry.
Just kept wandering shop after shop after shop. How can there be so many shops selling the same or similar products but there always seems to be people in them.
Bored with shops and department stores so we venture into a 3D movie in english
Alice In Wonderland that was $35 AUD that was with a pensioner discount.
Yes thats right we got our first pensioner discount in Japan.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Try as I might I can't bring myself to make any lists.
It is hard to explain but I just feel as though all is well just take each day as it comes and deal with what ever comes my way.
Mind you there are small lists written every now and then just to make sure things are in order.

Japan in 10 days!!
I only have hand luggage on the way over so I don't need to think about that until the night before. Usually I start packing and preparing weeks in advance but no not this time.
Yeh for hand luggage only travel!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So much to do and no lists are appearing. I think about them constantly but can't seem to find paper or pen. They are not accessible from my possie on the lounge.
It is such a mistake to snuggle under a rug on the lounge at the end of the day.
I try and try but the snuggle bug just consumes me.

I will attempt to make notes tomorrow which can be turned into lists and hopefully create a temorary order into all the fuzz in my head.

Monday, April 19, 2010



New lists need to be made with a trip to Japan on the horizon.
the shop needs to be stocked up.
Staff need to be hired
An itinerary needs planning.
blah blah blah!
JAPAN I can't wait!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well it has been some weeks and hardly a list has been issued. there has been the odd small list just to make sure things are done on that day but no major lists so far.
Also no desire to make a list AM I CURED?
I doubt it as I know in the back of my brain little lists are hanging around just waiting to be put onto paper.
For now I will enjoy my lack of listing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well the trade show is over, the shop is in order and all is well with
OMNIA & Lynne Curan Design right now.

Today is the first day in many a week where I can relax my mind and the need for any list making radically reduced. New designs are being made up now, some orders have been placed for new purchases for the shop but mostly won't arrive for a couple of weeks.
I just finished going through a huge pile of paperwork that has mounted up over the last few weeks (months) and was able to eliminate a few brochures then conquer & divide others into possible orders or orders awaiting confirmation and delivery.

after all that I really do need to make a new list. Only to get all the things arriving, ordered, to be paid etc into some sort of order other than in my head taking up space that would be happy being empty and all the new tasks awaiting my attention that I am subconsciously ignoring .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well what a week.
With my endless list making I was able to function and create an inviting and beautiful stand to exhibit my designs at the recent Sydney trade show.
It was a very exhausting process. With the list making and crossing off and the adding ons & more ticks and crossing offs. After 2 days building and setting up I ended up with a stand I felt proud of.
So for a few days there has been no list making but lots of order taking. Taking orders though leads to more list taking.
So I head off in the train today down to Sydney to another trade exhibition to have a look and maybe do a bit of buying for my shop OMNIA www.lynnecurandesign.com.au Along the way I start my lists.
What a mistake!!! Last day at a gift & homewares trade show is one big greed fest. There are women scurrying around with huge suitcases or giant striped plastic carry-alls, demanding goods they've decided would look good in their holiday house or lounge room, things to adorne their coffee tables. Their time is limited and they are trying to buy as much as possible before doors close.
There are women in teams carrying out huge urns, cupboards, vases you'd only find in a morsaleums. Exhibitors stands are being violated & trashed and good luck trying to place a legitimate order or show genuine interest in there product line. It's all about the cash sale. It's quite fascinating watching this frenzy. You wouldn't believe some of the things these people are buying. Grand ornate elephants & giraffes, enough jewelery to decorate an entire village of women and it just revs right up until the last call.
You can't begrudge the exhibitors, it is a way for them to recoup some cash after the outrageous prices they've paid for the floor space, lights and all the other bibs and bobs needed to make an inviting stand.
In America and in Bangkok they have one day when the public can come in and buy direct. Maybe this would be a better option than the shit fight that these so called respected trade exhibitions turn into at the end of the supposedly wholesale trade days.
Despite the anxiety, fretting, tiredness and overall exhaustion these events cause mostly they are enjoyable and you constantly meet really great people each year. You get to watch small businesses grow and evolve in all kinds of ways as do the very hard working exhibitors themselves.
As far as the list making goes; I made a 4 page list of stock to collect for orders on the train this morning. Then that will lead to another list of stock to be ordered and sent with stock already being produced because as usual I haven't ordered enough. Then I need to make a list of all the orders I made to keep track of stuff on it's way.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Right now I am sitting in my comfy chair, with a full tummy and winding down after a pretty constant day at the shop.
I have to start preparing for the upcoming trade show. This means I need to have everything ready in boxes ready to deliver then set out and display.
It takes me two days to build my stand and I need to display as much of my stock so people understand what it is I sell.
I start setting up on Thursday and at this point I don,t even have a price list.
I am normally very organized due to endless list making but right now I have 5 half hearted & confused lists at my feet.
One list bis divided into 2 with stock needed and not yet gathered here at ground zero (home). The other side of this list has a rough guide of what garments I want displayed on dummies.
The next list again is divided into two sections one side is colours white/ silver/ black. The other side is red/ rum/ sage. Then attached to this is another list of odd colours that don't fit into these categories.
The next list is items that need to be purchased in one trip prior to set up.
Another list is a check list of tools, wall coverings, and all the sundries needed to build and present the trade stand.
Then I have started another list of items I need to purchase at the trade show for my shop.
And OMG!!! what is that? Oh yes a 2 page list of things I need to do in the next few days or weeks, which of course as I sit here realize there are things to be added.

Well I think I will have a cup of tea , go to bed and try and get it all together and coherent tomorrow.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today was a day of no lists!! I was tempted but thought "no I'll remember that"
Well now a few hours later and relaxing on the lounge I say to myself "What was it I had to remember"
Hey blow it time to rest and relax ready for some serious list making on Monday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today started with one list which turned into 4 lists.
At the moment I am running a new retail outlet so there are always ongoing lists related to the running of this e.g. staffing issues & timetables, keeping up stocks, thinking up new designs, changing the window and rearranging the shop to keep up interest for my clients.

Then I also wholesale my designs so I am preparing for a trade show which is very important for selling and promoting my designs. So here is a separate list which includes set up & design of my display for this big event. ticking off things that are already available then making another list of items that may need to be purchased to complete the look of my stand I have designed. Then of course this leads to another list as I need to list all the products I am going to show.
To complete this set of lists I have to create an easy to negotiate price list to be handed out to interested & potential buyers at the trade show.

So this afternoon I head down to the shop to close up & here I make another list of things I need to add to existing lists.

The question is "am I being efficient?" or "Am I just obsessive?"

Well lets see how the next couple of weeks pan out as this is an intense list period of my calender year.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Well another day and more lists.
Today I will make lists to cover the headings I made yesterday. I have time to kill today which is always good for list making as there are no interruptions.

I am sitting in a waiting room as my mother has day surgery. I have packed a lunch as well as my lap top, diary, journal from recent buying and designing trip to Vietnam & scrap paper for new lists.

My morning list was very short with a quick trip to the post office to send off items I sold on ebay this week, a bill & then drop kids at locations such as school and off to the skin clinic for my mother's day surgery.

Mum has gone in so let's check the diary list. There I find a a couple of websites I have been intending to check out so a couple of things to tick off the very long continuous list that gets added to constantly.


Rush rush rush, one list becomes two lists, then throw that list away and make a new list. Do you ever get to tick off everything on that list?

There is nothing more satisfying than making a list, crossing everything off then putting it in the recycle box. But alas that is not the end as this usually means you are ready to make a new list.

I am a compulsive list maker.

Today my list had 3 categories but headings was as far as I got as I am disciplined enough I think to realize today was a day of rest after a great party on the weekend for my daughters 21st http://slightlytruestories.blogspot.com

Before I go to sleep I will make a quick list of things that must be done tomorrow. this list goes in my daily dairy. then through the day I will make notes (really they are lists) of things I need or must do in the next few days.